Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The gang! (some people in girls cabin)

sorry if i didnt get u in these pics.. i didnt tak ethem haha


bailey_noel said...

i hate the one of all of us girls at church im not even looking!!!ily

mally said...

haha. i think its funny!

Jesusfreak said...

YAY!! i took the 1 of you guys (girls) in the care i feel like a good photographer!!!!

INZANE said...

lol u peeps r crazy! im not crazy! chya right of course u arent austen y on earth would there be any reason 4 u bein crazy man... i mean seriously. ummmmm... so yea bye bye guys! and bye austen u amazingly HOT stud!!! o lol ya c ya austen i will talk to u later! ........ wowza umm... i think i over did that 1. AHAHA what do u think austen. um yea just a little but i dont think u were lying about being an amazingly hot stud. AHAHA of course not! well now! ummmmm... i think i have problems... but w8 if i really had problems would i know if i did. ummm... good question austen! man u r a smart guy!!! o y ty austen but plz keep it low key. but man how can i keep somthin like this low key i mean its pretty obvious! lol chya well ya know... o ok i guess u r right austen!!!! ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... i think i am on crack... yea but w8 would u know if u were austen lol. o good point! man u r 1 smart guy!!! haha whatev man whatev! k ummmmm...!!! well now!!! i think ill just uuuuuuu... stop now!!! LOL AHAHHA! but w8 what if... lol onvm! wowza......

amberliegh said...

OMG!!! austen.. i dont know what it is but i think you have a disease. HAHAHA. wow yea that was pretty creepy. hhm... idek what to say.. lol. IM SPEECHLESS...

Emily Elizabeth(: said...

shut up bailey!

INZANE said...

AAAAHAHAHAHAAAAA! i know i was like "wow im really bored and im makin a fool of myself" but ya definatley a disease of some sort! lol... or just CRACK! ya i think its crack... AHA! yea so um... k well now! goodbye lol

mally said...


INZANE said...

aha i know! crazy daisey huh!

mally said...

OH! my mommy bought me some of those at my play. :]

INZANE said...

what? what r they? r u talkin bout crazy daiseys. lol haha!

amberliegh said...

duuh. LOL.

mally said...

haha yes! they were colorful and they turn everything purple. . .urghh! but they died so TAKE THAT U CRAZY DAISEYS!

INZANE said...

lol that was funny! i love flowers! they r purtty!

mally said...

umm htey are okay. it all depends on wat kind they are. i think its really nasty when they have bugs on them. so i just like the petals. :] lol

INZANE said...

lol ooooo that reminds me! have u ever eaten a flower petal!!! aha i have... so have u?

mally said...

nooo i havent

INZANE said...

lol i have! i was at the kleins! and we were in the spa playin truth or dare and either connor or emily dared me to eat a flower! lol so i was like "ok!" ya it tasted gooooood! (not really...) lol but it gave me a tummy ache! lol so i think u should try it! lol...

mally said...

haha. i have eaten some pretty crazy things. . blehh. i ate a big chunk of wax once. . wow. . STUPID idea. i got really sick. haha
umm ewwy1 remember at camp wen we ate those crickets? those were amazing! i mean totally gross but they tasted really good! :] like sun flower seeds.

have u ever heard that u can cook sun flowers and eat them? well me and my friend heard that, but we didnt hear the part where u had to cook them, so we went out and ate a bunch. and then my other friend told me that cows get there miklk through the roots of grass. like the white clean part on the end. and if u eat it, its just like eating grass. so still to this day i have eaten soo much gras. it is pretty good. hahahha

mally said...

haha. i have eaten some pretty crazy things. . blehh. i ate a big chunk of wax once. . wow. . STUPID idea. i got really sick. haha
umm ewwy1 remember at camp wen we ate those crickets? those were amazing! i mean totally gross but they tasted really good! :] like sun flower seeds.

have u ever heard that u can cook sun flowers and eat them? well me and my friend heard that, but we didnt hear the part where u had to cook them, so we went out and ate a bunch. and then my other friend told me that cows get there miklk through the roots of grass. like the white clean part on the end. and if u eat it, its just like eating grass. so still to this day i have eaten soo much gras. it is pretty good. hahahha

INZANE said...

AHAAA! wow... ya i have eatin wax be4! it was all...waxy lol. and ya those crickets were AMAZING! they really did taste like sunflower seeds! lol but ya um i have never in my life eatin a FULL sunflower! but i have never in my life heard that u could cook them! sortta makes sense since u can cook their seeds! lol i wanna try it someday! um but im not entirely sure that cows get their milk from GRASS? lol but ill look it up k! but hey i might just try some nice grass if u say so lol! but hey have u ever eatin paper? well im sure u have since u eat GRASS and SUNFLOWERS! lol but ya i always chew on paper and plastic and duct tape and scotch tape and any kind of tape and pretty much anythin! LOL i like chewin stuff! usually i either decide to eat the paper that i chew up or spit it somewhere! LOL like at my brother or somethin ahaha! but anyways! umm... nvm im done haha

mally said...

hahhaha yeha iv eaten paper. DUCT TAPE!! ohh wierd! hahaha. yeah i love chewin stuff! its amazing. like pens. i love chewin them alot. . .i bite alot of random things too. . .i put my phone in my mouth alot and just bite it. . .but i stopped cuz i got a new phone. . .lg shine wahoo!

INZANE said...

haha ya duct tape! u should try it its kinda interesting! but idk if its good 4 u lol... ooo i like shiny things! and i like to bite alot of stuff but my mom doesnt like it cuz like i guess my teeth arent very strong. cuz like i was raking leaves in my back yard and trysten was to and he wasnt payin attention and he swung his rake around and wacked me in the face with it and chiped my tooth! but i got it fixed. and like i also have chiped my tooth be4 on other stuff lol anyways ihave to go now i think so love u and c ya

mally said...

ohh man. oww did it hurt??? my friend when she was like 3 her tooth got nocked out and it didnt grow in till like 5 years later. ok ill "talk" to u laterr byee. ilyt

INZANE said...

actually now that i think about it it didnt hurt that bad... hmmm idk y it didnt... cuz it should right? but um poor friend... but isnt that like regular... o w8 no im an idiot... sorry idk what i was thinkin... wowza k well ya ill "talk" to u later lol

mally said...

hahaha umm im not gonna answer that. . cuz im not really sure at the question was. lol
umm sooo wats neww?

INZANE said...

haha k thats reasonable enough! but um... i cant really think of anythin new at the moment... anythin new with u other than stuff like what u r wearing, eating, smelling or touching. cuz thats what i think u might say lol jkjk but seriously... heeeheee... 4 get that i just wrote that plz

mally said...

hahhahahha! that made me laugh.
umm im eating cherios. tehe they lower colesterol. . .im not sure wat that is. ..but imm pretty sure its not bad for me. haha. and if it is then CRAP!
cuz i like cherios alot. lol
no nothing really. umm lemi see.
OH! we are moving into our actual house on wednesday. sssoooo thats good i guess. . .its not the house i wanted. But i get in trouble everytime i say i dont ike the house sooooo, wat ever.

INZANE said...

haha well then i have accomplished somethin cuz i like to make poeple laugh! o and high colesterol is bad 4 u so cherios are good 4 u. but it all depends on whether or not they r honey nut cherios or regular cherios! cuz honey r really bad and can cause cancer! but yaya that u r movin in on wednesday! k well ill talk to u soon! ily bye

mally said...

haha. umm urghhh!! i think they were honey nut. grrr! my brother told me i was gonna get cancer to. omg!!! scarry stuff man!

yup! i cant WAIT to move! :D
bye ilyt

INZANE said...

ahahahaha! i was totally just kidding! LOL! wowza i cant beleive i actually got u! but was your brother serious cuz i really have no idea hehe! luv ya

mally said...

hahaha well not from that. i found a freckle on my leg like right abouv my knee and its never been there before and i was like scratching it cuz i wanted it to leav and i made it bleed and my brother was like ohh now ur gonna get cancer. hahaha
soo yeah lol
i dont htink i will. lol

INZANE said...

OMG! thats what happened to my great granma and she got skin cancer and died! i swear! omg ill pray for u and hopefully u wont get skin cancer! D:

mally said...

omg austen! seriously if ur joking im going to slap u soooo hard when. . .ever i see u. i am not lying.

INZANE said...

*smiles with an evil look on the face* *laughing histarically* ya i think that about covers it... thats exactly what i did just now! ahahhahaa! well i gonna get smacked really hard by u the next time i c u! LOL thats only if u dont forget to slap me! heeehehehehehe wowza! im sorry madalyn i just had to say that lol ily!

mally said...

hahahhahaha! wow. nice discription. . .those are always exciting. cuz u can totally picture that person doing wat ever is in the uhh star thingies. hahaha ok my turn. uhh *turns computer and attepmts to cover ears with shoulders while typing* hahahaha can u guess what happned?

Amber is watching a scary movie! hahahhaha

oh! and were u really joking about the cancer thing? lol

INZANE said...

haha yes i was really joking sorry my great grandma does not have cancer... im sorry if i scared u. lol but i just felt like i had to say that hehe... o and in your star thingy i didnt think about your sis watchin a movie but i did think about u gettin scared ahaha! love ya